Saturday, December 5, 2009

Time together isn't ever quite enough.

When you and I are alone, I've never felt so at home.
What will it take to make or break this hint of love?
Only time.

Owl City. I'm a fan. :D

So funny story. Less than an hour ago I was talking with Bri about love languages. She was telling me how she and Matt both have the highest of physical touch, but even so, he hates pda. He won't hug or kiss her in public, and even has issues holding her hand. I thought this was funny; I hate pda as well. It's one of my biggest annoyances. Yet hand holding, that's not something that bothers me at all. I told Bri that, but I see his point with anything else, couples being coupley in public really irritate me. Then I came into Coffeesmiths. Guess what? There were 2 young teenage couples, sharing chairs, being coupley. And the only available table with an outlet? Happened to be the one less than 10 feet from them. Awesome.

Oh life's little ironies...

So I'm leaving in... 5? days. I feel like it might as well be tomorrow, it'll go that quickly... it's amazing how fast this has gone. I remember when I had only been here for 2 months, someone was sad because I was that much closer to leaving. I made the statement that I was only 1/3 done, I still had a ways to go. But they were right. It flew...

Tonight I guess I have a surprise party. I love how bad high schoolers are at keeping surprises... :D But I've made sure to not ask for details, so I don't know too much about it yet. But I'll find out real soon... :)

You know what? I almost like that I get no comments, that very few people read this. I've kind of been using it like a journal of sorts anyways... so it's more personal this way. And I've decided to not message my group any longer about updates. Starting now. So if you're the first to read this, you win a prize! (No, I don't know what it is yet. It's dependant on the person.) :D

The end.

Love. :)