Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Running the Race...

So Sunday evening I got back from the 6th grade trip. Yesterday evening we had an event. In about 30 minutes I'm leaving for the middle school missions trip. Then I'm riding the bus back Wednesday night after the Palo baptism service, attending a sleepover that night, a pool party Thursday, then the Jr. Sr. retreat this weekend. Then Monday, another event. Wednesday-Wednesday both sessions of Kids Camp. That next friday, an over night lock-in (don't tell KJ, hahaha) and a canoe trip.

And I'm tired now...

The 6th grade trip was a lot of fun. We left Friday morning to go to the East Iowa Food Bank where we served all day in the ways that we could; mostly organizing stuff and packing boxes, things like that. Then on Saturday we went to Lost island, a water park, for about 8 hours... I promise I wore sunscreen, but I still got burned pretty badly. :( It doesn't hurt TOO much anymore, so that's nice. Then Sunday we attended the morning service at the church where we stayed all weekend, then went to Jess Huegel's (one of the sponsors) parents' farm where we got to play and just have some free time and stuff. It was fun, just a little tiring.

Anyways, things are pretty good. I haven't and won't have much time to myself for a few weeks, and it's really disheartening to think about... please, keep praying for rest and reliance on the Lord, for I cannot do any of it without His strength.

Much love, friends.


  1. Wow, sounds like you are busy but I bet the youth love spending time with you! I'll be praying for your space, give your all in these still coming events as you look for spaces to rest. Be well.

  2. You have my prayers Ms. Prior, It's so awesome how you've connected with your church and all the people around you. God is definitely using you for amazing things, and it's fun to read about! Keep smiling kiddo :)
