Monday, August 17, 2009

I owe my life to You, my Lord, here I am

So Kids Camp was... an experience, to say the least. Session 1, from wednesday to sunday, I was a gopher. In my gophering experience, I should have been on my feet all day, working in the kitchen 23/7, (we need time to sleep,) and have zero free time. That was not the case in any way, shape, or form. We had very little work time, all we really did was set up chairs before meals and chapels, take out the trash after meals, and a few jobs here and there. The rest of the day we had free time, swim time, or more free time. It was fun, I got to hang out with some pretty cool kids and get to know some of them pretty well, but it was still tough because I'm bad at naps (expecially in cabins with damp beds and floors... it just doesn't work) and we still got between 5 and 6 hours of sleep each night if we wanted to hang out with the rest of the counselors, which were mostly high schoolers, which is the reason why I'm here. So, on top of my lack of sleep from the last month, I piled on a bit more. :( But it was fun, I enjoyed gophering. :)
Then when I went home on Saturday, SHANNON AND BEN WERE HERE!!! So I got to hang out with them for a few hours and catch up on each others' lives a bit, which was so good... I've missed my roommate. Then I stopped at wal-mart on the way home to pick up a few last minute things before being a counselor session 2... and locked my keys in my car. Shoot. I asked the people in wal-mart who I should call, and they gave me a number and said good luck. I called, they came about 30 minutes later. They were super nice, I told them what was going on and how in my 5 years of driving that was a first (like they REALLY cared...) and my 10 minute trip to wal mart turned into an hour and a half trip... :(
So needless to say I got about 6 hours of sleep that night, with very little time for a nap. :(
Session 2 began that night; I was the junior counselor in G-6 (6th grade girls.) They were pretty awesome most of the time... there were a few incidents, and the most difficult part for me was the complaining and lack of thank-yous. I'm hugely verbal, I need the affirmation and appreciation even for such insignificant things as bandanas and candy. The closest I got to a thank-you was a demand for more. More candy, more water, more lemonade, more, more, more. All of them were already saved, which was awesome, so no eternity-altering stories to share. The coolest part was the last night all the 6th graders stayed up later than everyone else with pastor Mick and pastor Mark and watched a meteor shower, sang praise songs, and talked about the last few years. It was really cool, and the one girl who was a bit of a problem in our bunk shared a new understanding she had of who God is and how awesome He is; THAT was cool, I was really excited for her. :) Surprisingly, we had a few pretty deep conversations after chapels, including the difference between catholocism and protestantism, and what they mean. The funny thing was, even though I was the junior counselor I acted as senior counselor at almost every given point. I was the time keeper, I was the gatherer, I was the discussion leader, I was the one keeping them in check. My sr. counselor was a sweet girl, but she's not a leader. She reminded me a lot of myself several years ago, someone who would sit and let everyone else take over. I've learned to adapt, so when no one else is taking charge I can, and I did. I didn't WANT to be on their case constantly, but it was necessary. It was really funny, one of my friends even told me at the end that I was a great senior counselor. I reminded him that I was a jr. counselor, and he told me he knew, and that I made a great senior counselor. :)

Things are good. My chaos is finally complete, maybe now I can finally tackle some books... maybe. I DEFINITELY get to catch up on sleep, I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to that. I've been a bit short-tempered lately, and that's not me at all. I can't wait to be back to normal... I'm finding that I love sr. high a lot, I've been having a lot of fun with them and I feel like it's easiest for me to connect with them. We'll see how the rest of this internship pans out... there's still plenty of time!

Much love, friends.

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