Friday, May 29, 2009

We are not expected to be who we are not...

We are expected to be who we ARE.

So today I took a strengths test, it assessed my top 5 strengths out of a list of 34. Here are the results and descriptions, (as summarized by me, myself,and I,) let me know what you think of them:
-Input: I collect things,and find lots of things interesting. I don't throw things away that might prove to be useful in the future.
-Woo: Winning others over. I like meeting new people, getting to know them and getting them to like me. There are no strangers, only friends I haven't met yet.
-Empathy: I can sense peoples' emotions around me and can see things through their perspective. I don't necessarily agree or feel pity for their predicament, and I don't necessarily condone theor actions, but I understand. I can help people find words to express their feelings and stuff.
-Connectedness: Everything in life is connected, things happen for a reason and we are all connected to each other. I build bridges and my faith is strong in the face of life's mysteries.
-Adaptibility: I live in the moment and discover my future one choice at a time. I can respond well to things that pull me away from my plans. I expect detours. Essentially, I can multi-task. Yay.

So there's that. Ha. Anyways, things here are wonderful. My mentor and fellow staff people like me, and since I'm like insanely relational it's a good thing. (It's hard for me to function around people I think don't like me...) The kids are awesome too, I can't wait to meet some of them and get to know some of them better. I already have a kid giving me a hard time, that actually started my first day... but it's in the joking, brotherly love kind of way. He's one of the core kids in the youth group, it's all in good fun. :)

I was finally introduced on Wednesday night, and the kids got to ask whatever questions they wanted. It went well, I felt pretty good about it, and it was a conversation starter with some of the people there. One kid came up after and said to me "Ok, so 2 questions. Athlete or Artist? (I answered atrist with the qualification that my drawing skills are the worst ever. I sing. He agreed that I'm an artist.) And can you whistle?" I don't know where he was going with those, but he also asked if I did plays and musicals. Then he was done with me. It was odd.

Um, yes. My mentor thinks I'll be really good, I'm more laid back and can relate to more than just the "popular kids," which makes a difference. I'm really excited to be here, it's really great and I'm already learning things about myself, about ministry, about people.

Tomorrow my roommate gets married. In less than 24 hours, she'll be married. Oh my gosh! So get excited everyone. :)


  1. oh, I am excited Amanda Prior! Did you need validation that you'll be great?! That was a given, wasn't it? What Amanda Prior isn't great? You, my friend, cannot fail because you are you and will not/cannot be anything less :). Lots of Love

  2. It's like Dr. Suess says, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
