Saturday, May 9, 2009

When did we grow up?

Seriously, I don't remember it happening. I never woke up one day and thought, I feel older today, I think I grew up last night. Yet I know I've changed a lot over the last 3 years; I'm so different from when I was in high school.
And here I am, 21 years old, less than a week away from finishing my junior year at Huntington University. Ten days from leaving to do my 6 and a half month PRIME internship in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Where did the last 3 years go? Seriously, people ask me how old I am and I have to count up from 18. And I still want to say it's 2006. (Which it's not, by the way. It 's 2009. I know, it surprised me too.)
Anyways, since I'm leaving so soon, I wanted a way to keep friends and family updated about my happenings in Iowa. Successes, failures, fears, prayer requests, things God is teaching me, random thoughts, and anything else that might come from my mind, (scary, right?); I want you to be updated. And I'll try not to bore you. ;)

"Dare to be yourself. Emerge… Unfold… Unveil your possibilities but be natural. Have no pretenses and show your softer side. Be content, but don’t forget to dream… and when you do… SOAR." ~Unknown

I love you all. :)

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