Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Things may have worked out not the way I thought they would, but You still have a plan, still have a plan for me.

You're Holy, You're good, You're sovereign, You could do anything You wanted to; but You've chosen this way, so I will say that I still, that I still, I still trust You.

Another post less than 48 hours after the last one? Can you handle it?

So today someone said something. Genious, Amanda, good job. Two points.

They said that they don't really want to be labeled as "Christian." That even on facebook, they have something like "Jesus Follower." I don't disagree, I don't have "Christian" on facebook either, there are definitely things about our Christian culture with which I'd rather not be associated.

But Christianity as a whole, the Christian population, aren't we the Body of Christ? Now he didn't mean he was anti-church; quite the contrary, actually... but it got me thinking. I, myself, am a member of the Body. Singular. One. Me. God considers me His child, pure and holy in His sight. I AM following Him. But I'm not following Him alone, and my walk with Him is not limited to me. It's affected by my brothers and sisters in Christ almost everyday, and my walk with Him affects those around me as well. As those labeled Christians, as members of the Body, we have a significant role in each others' lives; we are to love. Our purpose is to love each other in such a way that God's love is demonstrated; a way that makes nonbelievers wonder why.

I'm not saying that rejecting the Christian label will prevent this or influence this negatively; in fact I think it's important to not just call ourselves a Christian without defining what that really means. But to me, completely rejecting the title "Christian" in a sense means rejecting the Christian church, the Body. God gave us the church to encourage, to lift each others' spirits, and to keep each other on track. Christians.

So I guess whatever you label it, Christian, Jesus follower, Child of God, whatever, be in community. Love your neighbor as yourself. Do nice things for people. Encourage somebody. Just don't forget that you're part of the Body of Christ, the church, the Christian community, and that we need each other more than we realize.

Just some food for thought. I don't think it's completely consistent the entire way through, but it's almost 1 a.m. You can't expect TOO much from me at this point... :)

Me :)

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