Friday, November 20, 2009

You say "Rest here, this is your home. Don't you see that you knew I was here all along?"

Wow. WOW. Twenty days left until I leave. Nineteen days until I teach for the last time. Eighteen days until I'm "officially" done with PRIME. W. O. W.

I can't believe how quickly it's gone by. It feels like I just got here.

Ok. Enough of that. There's time for it later. In 19 days.

We just had our Sr. High fall retreat this last weekend; it was so good. The entire thing was about making connections, focusing on the one another verses and on us as the Body of Christ. Cai from HU came to provide worship (which was AMAZING, btw.) and about 12 sponsors and students shared their testimonies with the group throughout the 3 days. It was so cool to see how God worked through them--the testimonies, the worship, and just the students themselves-- and how He used their time and inclusiveness to allow them to build one another up. I got the chance to meet some new people and to strengthen some already existing relationships, and it was wonderful.

This weekend--well, tonight--we have the equipping staff and elder and deacon retreat... I really don't know what to expect, but hopefully it'll be a good learning experience for all of us. And then tomorrow, Luke comes to evaluate me on Sunday. Eeep! I'm not too insanely nervous about it, which is a miracle in itself... so I'm just praying and hoping for the best!

Anyways, things are still good. I'm trying to make the most of every moment I can, knowing my time left here is short. I'm gonna have some difficult good-byes in the near future... :( and some very easy hellos. :)
